Member Profile: Beth JoJack
Kayaking, Willie Nelson, and Llamas — Introducing Beth JoJack
By Terry Haycock, 1st Vice President for Membership
Beth JoJack is native Virginian from Bedford County near Smith Mountain Lake. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English and creative writing from nearby Hollins University, Virginia’s first chartered women’s college (founded in 1841 and known for writing programs that have produced Pulitzer Prize-winning authors such as Annie Dillard and Natasha Trethewey.
After graduation, Beth worked in the public relations office at Hollins and authored freelance stories and movie reviews. Then it was on to The Roanoke Times where she worked mostly as a feature writer for seven years. Her next stop was Athens, Georgia, for a short stint writing about music and other features at the Athens Banner-Herald. Laid off in 2008 and unsure of what to do during the recession with so many writing jobs disappearing, Beth earned a master’s degree in social work at Radford University while continuing with freelance projects.
In 2013, after working for Child Protective Services for two difficult years, Beth switched to full-time freelance writing. She currently authors freelance articles for Virginia Business, Medical News Today, and features for area colleges. She spent several years as a contributing editor for Humane Activist, the bi-monthly magazine of the Humane Society Legislative Fund, which works to protect animals by advocating ending trophy hunting, shutting down puppy mills and stopping horse slaughter. HSLF executives ceased publication of the magazine at the beginning of the pandemic; however, Beth recently completed a project for the Humane Society of the United States, interviewing people who adopted dogs scheduled for destruction at a meat farm.

Beth had learned about the importance of female friendship at Hollins, so when friend Julie Campbell suggested VPC, she joined.
“I met Beth through mutual friends at, of all places, a Willie Nelson concert in Roanoke,” says Julie. “We hit it off right away. I then hired her to write a few pieces for the Washington and Lee University magazine, which I edited. Her well-reported stories sparkled with Beth’s wit and thoughtful observations. I’m so glad she joined VPC.”
Although enthusiastic about VPC, Beth is unable to attend many events since she lives several hours from where they are usually held, but she enjoys reading of events in Galley Pruf and keeping touch with Julie and others.
Beth and husband Cameron have an 8-year-old son named Mangum who keeps her busy. She loves animals and has a rescue pug and several cats. Eventually, she “would like to adopt a donkey and, perhaps, llamas, but that will have to wait until we find the right farmland,” Beth says.
The JoJack family enjoys playing video games, kayaking, and water activities. A favorite is exploring Virginia rivers and the surrounding scenery. Before Mangum was born, Beth and Cameron made a couple of trips to Central and South America where they enjoyed experiencing the local cultures. Asked where she would like to travel someday, Beth offered an enthusiastic “everywhere!”
A warm, friendly, and positive person, we are happy Beth is a member of our community. Contact her soon, and you will see what I mean.